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Stay updated on Local 223 News and COVID-19

Union Times Email Newsletter

If you are not yet signed up to receive the email newsletter, please register to start receiving it.

Local 223 Facebook Group

Local 223 also has a private Facebook group for members to join for more personal interaction. To join, visit the group.

Local 223 Public Facing Facebook Page

Local 223 launched a new public Facebook Page so we can share news about the great things we're doing for the community and what we’re doing as their first responders. Like our page so you can share news with your families, friends and neighbors.

Local 223 Text Communication

Sign up to receive texts with Division updates, social event alerts, emails surveys and much more.

To sign up, start a new text and enter the new Long Code, 8775800223, as the recipient, and second, enter your keyword into the message area of the text.

  • Division – Keyword
  • OPT – 223OPT
  • Underground – 223UGL
  • PowerGen – 223PGD
  • Substations – 223SUB
  • Stores – 223STORES
  • Motor Trans – 223MOTORTRANS
  • Warren Shops – 223SHOPS
  • Gas – 223GAS
  • Fermi – 223FERMI
  • Meter – 223METER
  • Transmission Trades – 223ULC
  • Facilities – 223FMS

Please note that keywords have no space between numbers and letters. Once you send the text, you will be prompted to answer 2 additional questions to complete your registration. Please make sure that you enter your name and a Non-Company email address, failure to do so may result in you being deleted from the list!

Local 223 Annunciator

All members will continue to receive the quarterly print newsletter.